Select this menu item to bring up the Utilities Guide window, where you can do various utility functions by clicking on a button. This menu item is not available when the current backup media is a mounted volume. Select this menu item to eject the current backup media (if it is not a mounted volume). Select this menu item to view or delete pending delayed backups in the System Folder. This menu item is only available when using tape or WORM disk as the backup media. Select this menu item to rebuild the file by file directories on disk from the current tape or WORM disk. Select this menu item to print out a directory of a file by file backup. You will be prompted for a backup to print. This menu item is not available when the current backup media is a WORM disk. Select this menu item to erase and/or format the backup media. This can be used to speed up floppy backups by formatting the diskettes before the backup. This menu item is only available when using tape as the backup media. Select this menu item to restension the current tape (recommended for brand new or very old tapes). Utilities menu Use this menu to perform verious operations on the backup media. Select this menu item to turn off Gursor-Guide help. Even when it is off, Cursor-Guide still provides info about list items and the media icon. Select this menu item to turn on Cursor-Guide help. Even when it is off, Cursor-Guide still provides info about list items and the media icon. Select this menu item to turn off animation on the Main Guide window. Select this menu item to turn on animation on the Main Guide window. Select this menu item to bring up the Main Guide window, that provides a graphical interface to the rest of the program. Select this menu item to bring up the Create Script window, where you can build a new file by file backup script. Select this menu item to bring up the Special Options window, where you can set various options that do not have to be changed very often. Select this menu item to access the Media Options window, where you can choose where to backup to. Setup menu Use this menu to access windows and choices for setting various options and preferences. Select this menu item to restore a disk volume from an image backup. Select this menu item to restore from a file by file backup. Restore menu You this menu to bring up the file by file or image restore window. Select this menu item to bring up the About window that provides info about SoftBackup II. Apple menu Use this menu to access the About window, desk accessories, the Control Panel, the Chooser, etc. Select this menu item to quit the program (return to the Finder). Select this menu item to close the active window. File menu Use this menu to close the active window or quit the program. Edit menu Use this menu with desk accessories when running on older system software (without MultiFinder). Edit menu Use this menu with desk accessories when running on older system software (without MultiFinder). Select his menu item to set up an image backup of a disk volume. Select this menu item to set up a file by file backup. Backup menu Use this menu to bring up the file by file backup window or the image backup window.